Real Property Management VA Peninsula

How to Boost Your Online Ratings as a Rental Property Owner

As a single-family Yorktown rental property owner and landlord, you presumably by now recognize that online ratings are important. But in today’s digital world, those ratings are even more important: they can make or break your business. In the following sections, we will give you some points on boosting your online ratings as a rental property owner and landlord, plus offer some advice on getting your tenants to leave you great online reviews.

Why Online Ratings Matter

Online ratings are important for any business, particularly for landlords and Yorktown property managers. This is because ratings give potential tenants an impression of what it is like to live in your rental property. If you have a lot of positive reviews, potential tenants are more likely to choose your property over another that has fewer or no reviews. In other words, online ratings can help you attract new tenants and fill your vacancies more rapidly.

On the other hand, if you have a lot of negative reviews, potential tenants may be deterred from renting from you. Furthermore, negative reviews can make it tougher for you to fill vacancies and may even set in motion some current tenants moving out.

Best Practices for Boosting Online Ratings

You’ll need to use a few simple strategies to boost your online ratings. These are not difficult but do take time. For example:

How to Ensure Positive Online Reviews

Even though you want online reviews about your properties and services, in all seriousness, it’s likewise best for your bottom line if those reviews are overwhelmingly positive. To ensure that your tenants leave positive online reviews, focus on the following strategies:

The Payoff of Great Online Ratings

Some of the benefits of having high online ratings as a landlord or property owner include:

Each of these potential benefits also comes with the advantage of lowering costs and keeping that rental income flowing steadily month after month.

Other Ways to Improve Online Presence and Ratings

Together with asking for and responding to reviews and committing good customer service, you can do a few other things to boost your online reviews. These include:


You can boost your online ratings as a rental property owner and landlord by following these tips. This, in turn, will fascinate more potential tenants and help you fill vacancies more quickly. But even so, managing your online ratings takes time, which you could be spending working on your business instead. If you’re looking to give your single-family rental a significant boost, one of the best things you could do is contact Real Property Management VA Peninsula. Our Yorktown rental market experts can help you optimize your rental income and free up your time. Now that’s a boost that could pay off!